Thank you, sorry

Thank you, sorry

September 23, 2022, the day I wrote the story of my miss on you. Not only about longing, there are also our promises that do not have time to be realized. You chose to leave.

Today comes, on November 8, 2022 you officially left me. Alone in a lonely and cold place. The warmth that had been intertwined in the past has now faded.

No sweet smiles. My melodious bedtime voice. Funny and silly behavior that always makes me laugh.
No more new memories are recreated. Now it's just the rubble of old memories that I'll neatly arrange in a small box, which I call the city of longing.

I was too selfish just because I felt disappointed.
I'm too selfish because I don't want you to leave.
I'm too selfish to keep you when I don't know really how you are at the moment.


I'm too scared to make you go. I don't want to be alone in the middle of a crowd that I didn't expect.

You once said... "I've always felt alone. But now that I have you""I promise, we will stay together forever"

"... for you are my treasure"
However, now the word is empty. The owner himself chooses to himself.

Your promises that were said you just broke down. Without ever occupying it, you go with the pain. What selfishness do I have to practice to keep you here.

Which part hurts, say, let me treat it.
Which parts are broken, say, let me fix them.
Which part is missing, say, let me complete it.

Everything looks fine but, not without you.
I’m not be happy, but you made me happy.

For you MY, thank you. Sorry...


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